Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Fwd: I didn't know they stacked [bleep] that high

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics] <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 16, 2018, 6:32 PM
Subject: I didn't know they stacked [bleep] that high
To: William Cronister <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

As you likely know, actor Ronald Lee Ermey died yesterday from complications due to pneumonia.

I added Slimeball Comey for comic relief. Perhaps better than a drill sergeant barking at Comey, would be a prison warden yelling at Comey!

But back to Ermey. He was best known for his drill sergeant roll in "Full Metal Jacket." He also followed us on Twitter.

Ermey said the Obama administration was trying to destroy our country. For his honesty, Ermey was blackballed.

The leftist oligarchy always goes after people who stand up against socialism by destroying their ability to make a living. It happened to me, too.

-Ben Garrison
Original Historical Political Artwork

Our country has been torn apart thanks to Deep State, FakeNews Media and global puppets Hillary and Obama.  And don't forget the swamp dwelling RHINO traitors like John McCain and Paul Ryan.

This gives President Trump quite the task to unite the Country. But given the good economy, better trade deals, cut in taxes, and increase in jobs, many Americans now have reason to be optimistic.

"Mending a Fractured America original art is on sale for just 24 hours. This is a rare opportunity to own original art at a discounted price.  With a savings of $150.00, this historic political art will be in high demand!


PS. This deal includes both the signed original art and the color print.

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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