Friday, April 20, 2018

Fwd: The American Dream is not Dead

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ben Garrison (GrrrGraphics) <>
Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 4:10 PM
Subject: The American Dream is not Dead
To: William Cronister <>

GrrrGraphics presents the first guest post by our new contributing writer, Ian Garrison.

The American Dream is not dead.

Yes, you heard me right, the American dream is still alive.

And in a sense, has just begun.

Don't listen to the what they tell you.

Don't listen to what they say "you should do."

And never listen to that slimy, greasy, neck-bearded SJW rat, rubbing his hands in his government bubble wrapped cradle.
You know what you should do?

Listen to yourself.

Open your eyes. Open your ears. Opportunity surrounds you. Opportunity blesses you.

The American Dream is not dead.

If you're a young single male, then I totally feel you man. I totally get it. I totally understand. I am a Millennial. But not your average Millennial—ah average, how easy it is to become . . . to be average, to settle, to be comfortable, to conform . . . oh, how easy that is . . . just like eating a bag of chips . . . so hard to stop . . . but the trick is to never open that bag.

Never open your bag of average.

Never settle.

Never conform.

As men, we set examples.

As men, we set goals.

As men, we set dreams.

The American Dream is not dead.

It has just begun.

read entire post at  The American Dream Is Not Dead

Follow Ian Garrison on Twitter @officialIJG

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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