Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fwd: The Fountains of Free Speech

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ben Garrison (GrrrGraphics) <>
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2018, 5:03 PM
Subject: The Fountains of Free Speech
To: William Cronister <>

Earlier this week the conservative LA street artist, Sabo, had his Twitter account banned permanently.

He was offered no reason for the shutdown, but by now the reason has become all too obvious. Social media is controlled by the globalist left and they want to control what people see and think. Shutting down conservatives is part of their agenda.

We once reached 500,000 people with a single new cartoon posted on FaceBook. Now we're lucky to reach a few thousand. On Twitter, I have been shadow banned. We have over 126,000 Twitter followers. We all know what has been happening on YouTube. The globalists are losing the argument and so they're unceremoniously pulling the rights' plug.

Which is why our newsletter and the online community is so important, we need to stick together and stand up to the Tyranny of the Political establishment and the biased Social Media giants.

Speaking of our online community- We have a winner in our Name our Online Community contest- the winning name is "The Garrison" entered by our friend Sam B.
Sam wins a free one year membership to our new community!
Our community hashtag will be #ToonTroops. We will be starting to use the hashtag on Twitter and hope you will too, if you do the Twitter thing.

Remember the April magnet bonus ends soon. Join us on Patreon and receive a FREE Trump 2020 magnet- Pledge $5.00 plus and you get the bonus MAGA Magnet!

Thank you for the support!

Ben and Tina

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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