Friday, December 8, 2017

MSM and the Ship of Fools

Ship of Fools

Lying Leftists Media on the Ship of Fools
I drew this cartoon awhile back. MSM is on the Ship of Fools.

This week the Lame Stream Media is proving (yet again) that they are...

a) totally inept
b) DNC operatives thinly disguised as "journalists"
c) suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome
d) all the above

Our propaganda pundits are working overtime to crank out FAKE NEWS. Thankfully, the New Media calls them out on their lies in near real time. Here's a few of the bald face whoppers from ABC and CNN.

  1. ABC's Brian Ross caught lying over Trump-Flynn report (Ross suspended for a month)
  2. CNN botched non-story about Donald Trump, Jr. and Wikileaks (shot down in flames within hours as very fake news)
  3. CNN's Jake Tapper lies about Comey-Trump (CNN had to retract the lies after direct contradiction from Comey before the Senate)

And when the presstitutes are not outright lying, they are often shading the truth with false narratives.

Time to throw these fools overboard and support New Media.

-Ben Garrison

PS. There are some good journalists out there. Got to look mighty hard. But the monopoly on media has taken a toll on bona-fide truth tellers.

PSS. Pick up Christmas cards and your MAGA Calendar while we still have a few in stock.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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