Thursday, December 21, 2017

DOJ Fans the Flames on Hillary

Will Hill Finally Go Down in Flames?

DOJ Attorney General Sessions announced today that Hillary's Uranium One dealings are under review.

You might recall...

  1. Hillary sold 20% of American Uranium to a Russian state-owned energy company.
  2. People connected to the deal donated over $140 million bucks to the Clinton Foundation.
  3. Hubby Bill also received a hefty kickback from Putin in the form of an outrageous $500,000 speaking fee. All in an hour's work.

Here's a few more of the dozens of scandals that the slippery Clinton duo has skated out of...
  • Whitewater
  • Cheating Haiti out of billions in relief funds
  • Benghazi
  • 33,000 emails on a private server (oops!) that were deleted along with phones hammered to bits (after getting a subpoena)
  • Clinton Foundation Pay to Play
  • Plus, a lengthy list of dead folks who got Arkancided including Vince Foster

For decades, Hill and Bill have been embroiled in dubious scandals. But protection from the Fake News Industrial Complex and powerful friends in the Deep State have covered their tracks each step of the way.

No doubt, Hillary has broke the law repeatedly. Any other person who did a fraction of her crimes would be in prison attire for years.

Lock her up already!

-Ben Garrison

For those of you wondering about the next cartoon. I am currently working on the 12 Days of Christmas, 2017 version. Should be out this week.

Thanks to our friends and fans around the world who bought up the MAGA Christmas cards. If you need a calendar, hurry while we still have a few in stock.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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