Saturday, December 16, 2017

Ugly Sweater Day

The 2017 Gift Guide

Featuring the Ugly "Grabby Hands" Christmas Sweater
Today is National Ugly Sweater Day, a day tailor made for Disgraced Senator Al Franken and his own ugly grabby hands sweater.

Will Santa give us Franken's resignation date for Christmas? Probably not.

UPDATE: Final results for the "Hillary's Lost Shoe" contest are in!
The correct answer was 21!

We had six correct guesses! The winners were contacted and sent a free signed Ben Garrison print! Thank you to every one who entered, we had a lot of fun with this and hope to similar contests in the future..... in fact....

Do you consider yourself a Ben Garrison Cartoon expert? Are you a Hard core Cartoon Super fan? Then keep your eye out for the Hard Core Hillary shoe contest coming next week with even bigger prizes!

A very Merry Christmas to all and a MAGA New Year!

--Ben and Tina Garrison

PS. Last minute Christmas items here...
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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