Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trump the Deep State

Trump's Swamp Draining Service

Deep State Likes the Swamp Left Alone
Trump took to Twitter to blast the Deep State. Kudos, Mr. President.

Never, have I seen a president go so hard at the establishment. Trump is calling out the Deep State by name.   
Mike Cernovich is on to the Deep State tactics. Cernovich mentions that one of the way's the Deep State is securing their power is to control security clearances. They are headlocking the National Security Council and other top agencies with pro Hillary, Globalists that are blocking justice.

What is the Deep State?

It consists of the illuminati who control vast fortunes. It includes the central bankers, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, and the spy agencies that illegally track and record Americans. They want power and control through collectivism.

It's the beast that wants to bring about the New World Order. It's the creature that Eisenhower tried to warn us about. It's the entity that took out Kennedy when he tried to stop them.

Since then, we've had too many presidents who were elected under the tacit approval of the Deep State. President Trump stands out. He is not a puppet of the Deep State.

So they fight him (and the rights of American citizens) every step of the way.

-Ben Garrison
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