Friday, November 24, 2017

New Cartoon: Sex Scandal Swamp

"Unsinkable" Roy Moore

Marches Through Sex Scandal Swamp
Judge Roy Moore, a Republican candidate for the Senate, has been the target of sexual misconduct allegations. As a result, many establishment Republicans are trying to block his nomination—even though all the allegations and 'evidence' have been revealed to be bogus.

These establishment Republicans include Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and John McCain. They are all part of the Deep State swamp and they're determined to thwart President Trump's agenda.

They were happy to tell us they were going to expel a potential Senator because of sexual assault allegations made right before an election. These same Deep State Senators stay silent when picture evidence emerges against a sitting Democrat Senator Franken emerges.

Powerful men continue to be drawn into the morass of shame that is the 'Sex Scandal Swamp' including...

  • Al Franken who now has more women coming forward with new sexual allegations.
  • Bill Clinton is facing another lawsuit from women he is alleged to have abused. The former president has a history of rich payouts to his victims and even had an official " Bimbo Eruption" squad created to pay off or destroy his many accusers.
  • John Conyers used taxpayer money to fly in women for his hotel trysts. Some Congressmen may have settled sexual harassment cases. If they used taxpayer money to do it, they need to go to jail.

Not all accusations should be believed. "The Rolling Stone" published a story about rape on campus based on one woman's tale. It was completely false and they famously published a retraction.

The accusations against Judge Moore also hold no water. The sexual assault claims against Trump were proved over and over to be bogus, but the legacy media enjoys calling him an abuser regardless. Judge Moore is in a similar situation. That is, it's all about hardball politics, not sexual impropriety.

He's doing well to fight the charges and voters will see them for what they are—baseless.

I tip my cowboy hat to Judge Moore for fighting back against the horrendous lies.

—Ben Garrison

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