Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hillary Lost Shoe Contest

Hillary Lost Shoe Contest

First, the 33% Off sale ends tonight (Nov. 25) at midnight. We rarely discount original artwork, so if you want one, you got a few hours to pick it up.

Alrighty, now on to the contest. Take your best guess at the number of cartoons where Hillary is missing her shoe.

The first 5 folks to get the right number, win a signed print. Your choice of Trump, the Dragon Slayer or The MAGA 45 print.

Each person that submits an entry will get a store discount coupon good through March 2018.

-Ben Garrison

PS. Some background on the contest. You may recall that after she fainted on a blistering hot 70 degree day, Hillary was chucked into a van by Secret Service. All the while, the Fake News Industrial Complex was touting her picture perfect health.

Here is an example of a cartoon I drew with Hillary missing a shoe. Note, her bare toes. Take your best guess at how many additional cartoons show Hilldebeast sans shoe...some are kind of tough to find!
PS. Last call on 33% Off sale. Ends on November 25 at midnight. Tallyho...
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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