Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Fwd: Talking Dummies

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From: Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics] <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018, 3:29 PM
Subject: Talking Dummies
To: William Cronister <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

David Hogg has been in the news a lot lately.

He's a 17 year-old student at a high school in Parkland, Florida, where the latest mass shooting took place. The outspoken lad as appeared on all the mainstream media outlets, but mostly he's been featured on CNN.

I saw him on Bill Maher's show and he came across as strident, a bit foul-mouthed and very confident. He was also embarrassingly ignorant about the entire issue. For example, he called the AR-15 a 'military grade assault rifle.' Wrong. That firearm is not fully automatic. Hogg said, "Until you're on the receiving end of an AR-15…" Then he was cut off. But he seemed to be saying that his word had more validity than the NRA's when it came to guns.

He continued, "This is about the kids." If it were about the kids, why not ban abortion? Far more innocent kids have died from that than those killed by guns. There have been many soldiers, not much older than Hogg, who fought in wars and died to protect our Constitution, which includes our right to bear arms.

It's my First Amendment right and duty to speak up in support of our Second Amendment.

I'm not 'bullying' Hogg, who is the Globalist's puppet face of the March for our Lives astro-turfed protest. He's a public figure now and what he's saying is dangerous because gun laws lead to more laws and restrictions. It's a slippery slope toward complete gun control. "Turn in your guns!" That's what they're ultimately after.


--Ben Garrison

Original Art...Talking Dummies

Stop the Lefty Madness
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