Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fwd: Cat Lady State, Moonbeam Madness

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Mar 8, 2018 4:56 PM
Subject: Cat Lady State, Moonbeam Madness
To: "William Cronister" <>

California wants to be a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.

Under Jerry Brown (Governor 'Moonbeam'), the state's debt has deepened to over $400 billion. Regardless, more free stuff is perpetually promised and more illegal immigrants are desired.

It's getting so out of hand that Moonbeam and other lefty politicians are blocking enforcement of federal law and tipping off illegals to ICE.

Enter AG Sessions. I guess someone finally woke him up. According to breaking news, the DOJ is set to challenge the constitutionality of California's "sanctuary" laws.

About time. The crazies are running the asylum in the sunshine state. Time to turn it around before the whole thing collapses under it's own weight.

—Ben Garrison

PS. I am working on a new cartoon for you. More Moonbeam Madness.

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GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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