Friday, March 16, 2018

Fwd: The Fall of Hillary

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics] <>
Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2018, 8:44 AM
Subject: The Fall of Hillary
To: William Cronister <>

Hillary Clinton had another embarrassing tumble in India while on her endless book tour.

I hope her next fall is a tumble into prison.

Will that ever happen? Was "Lock Her Up!" merely a hollow chant to help Trump get elected? I hope Jeff Sessions acts soon because Hillary's long litany of crimes cry out for justice. As long as she avoids the slammer, we'll know that there's an unequal application of the law in this country. If you're a member of the Deep State, you have a lifetime stay out of jail free card. You may commit any crime you like—steal from Haitians, murder witnesses, lie to Congress about classified information, accept 'pay for play' money while secretary of state, allow people to be murdered in Libya, be involved in child trafficking, or even rig an election--and no harm will ever come to you. Hillary always gets away with it.

If Hillary continues to skate, then we'll know for sure who still runs the show: The Deep State and the Shadow Government, otherwise known as "The Swamp." If there's little progress made on its draining, it could have an deleterious effect on Trump's reelection.

--Ben Garrison

Original Art...The Fall of Hillary

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