Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trump the Deep State

Trump's Swamp Draining Service

Deep State Likes the Swamp Left Alone
Trump took to Twitter to blast the Deep State. Kudos, Mr. President.

Never, have I seen a president go so hard at the establishment. Trump is calling out the Deep State by name.   
Mike Cernovich is on to the Deep State tactics. Cernovich mentions that one of the way's the Deep State is securing their power is to control security clearances. They are headlocking the National Security Council and other top agencies with pro Hillary, Globalists that are blocking justice.

What is the Deep State?

It consists of the illuminati who control vast fortunes. It includes the central bankers, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, and the spy agencies that illegally track and record Americans. They want power and control through collectivism.

It's the beast that wants to bring about the New World Order. It's the creature that Eisenhower tried to warn us about. It's the entity that took out Kennedy when he tried to stop them.

Since then, we've had too many presidents who were elected under the tacit approval of the Deep State. President Trump stands out. He is not a puppet of the Deep State.

So they fight him (and the rights of American citizens) every step of the way.

-Ben Garrison
Book is back in stock -  Over 100 Cartoons!
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hillary Lost Shoe Contest

Hillary Lost Shoe Contest

First, the 33% Off sale ends tonight (Nov. 25) at midnight. We rarely discount original artwork, so if you want one, you got a few hours to pick it up.

Alrighty, now on to the contest. Take your best guess at the number of cartoons where Hillary is missing her shoe.

The first 5 folks to get the right number, win a signed print. Your choice of Trump, the Dragon Slayer or The MAGA 45 print.

Each person that submits an entry will get a store discount coupon good through March 2018.

-Ben Garrison

PS. Some background on the contest. You may recall that after she fainted on a blistering hot 70 degree day, Hillary was chucked into a van by Secret Service. All the while, the Fake News Industrial Complex was touting her picture perfect health.

Here is an example of a cartoon I drew with Hillary missing a shoe. Note, her bare toes. Take your best guess at how many additional cartoons show Hilldebeast sans shoe...some are kind of tough to find!
PS. Last call on 33% Off sale. Ends on November 25 at midnight. Tallyho...
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Friday, November 24, 2017

New Cartoon: Sex Scandal Swamp

"Unsinkable" Roy Moore

Marches Through Sex Scandal Swamp
Judge Roy Moore, a Republican candidate for the Senate, has been the target of sexual misconduct allegations. As a result, many establishment Republicans are trying to block his nomination—even though all the allegations and 'evidence' have been revealed to be bogus.

These establishment Republicans include Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and John McCain. They are all part of the Deep State swamp and they're determined to thwart President Trump's agenda.

They were happy to tell us they were going to expel a potential Senator because of sexual assault allegations made right before an election. These same Deep State Senators stay silent when picture evidence emerges against a sitting Democrat Senator Franken emerges.

Powerful men continue to be drawn into the morass of shame that is the 'Sex Scandal Swamp' including...

  • Al Franken who now has more women coming forward with new sexual allegations.
  • Bill Clinton is facing another lawsuit from women he is alleged to have abused. The former president has a history of rich payouts to his victims and even had an official " Bimbo Eruption" squad created to pay off or destroy his many accusers.
  • John Conyers used taxpayer money to fly in women for his hotel trysts. Some Congressmen may have settled sexual harassment cases. If they used taxpayer money to do it, they need to go to jail.

Not all accusations should be believed. "The Rolling Stone" published a story about rape on campus based on one woman's tale. It was completely false and they famously published a retraction.

The accusations against Judge Moore also hold no water. The sexual assault claims against Trump were proved over and over to be bogus, but the legacy media enjoys calling him an abuser regardless. Judge Moore is in a similar situation. That is, it's all about hardball politics, not sexual impropriety.

He's doing well to fight the charges and voters will see them for what they are—baseless.

I tip my cowboy hat to Judge Moore for fighting back against the horrendous lies.

—Ben Garrison

Black Friday, Get 33% off on most items in the store
Hurry on over there partner while its on!
... includes cartoon prints, MAGA books, and even originals.

We also have some special pack deals on Christmas Cards and our 2018 Calendar.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Franken does a Weinstein

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Nov 16, 2017 4:09 PM
Subject: Franken does a Weinstein
To: "William Cronister" <>

Al Franken Admits Groping

Like Weinsten, Franken had Special Part for Actress
So today Al Franken admits he groped Leanne Tweeden. 

Tweeden wrote "You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later and be ashamed."

The virtue signaling of these hypocrites is beyond the pale.

Here's WaPo...

Last month, as sexual assault accusations began to mount against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, Franken took to Facebook to applaud the bravery of the women who shared their stories.

"It takes a lot of courage to come forward, and we owe them our thanks," he wrote. "And as we hear more and more about Mr. Weinstein, it's important to remember that while his behavior was appalling, it's far too common."

Agreed. Franken apparently knew it was far too common from his own first hand(s) experience harassing Tweeden.

Yet, the Double standard Dems and RINOS circle the wagons on their own. While Roy Moore is told by Mitch McConnel to drop out and drop dead.

Meanwhile, Franken gets a wrist slap and protection from the establishment cronies.

-Ben Garrison

PS. While we wait for Franken's ethic hearings, check out our MAGA Christmas Cards and the 2018 Wall Calendar.

Both are guaranteed to trigger snow flakes everywhere.

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

New Cartoon: Al Franken, The Joke's On You!

No joke! 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Nov 18, 2017 10:20 AM
Subject: New Cartoon: Al Franken, The Joke's On You!
To: "William Cronister" <>

Al Franken, The Joke's On You

Predictably, many leftist personalities have dismissed Al Franken's sexual assault as a bad joke--and nothing compared with Trump's transgressions. Only they have no proof of Trump's wrongdoings. Photographic evidence proves Franken's creepy escapade.

To be sure, humans have always had problems with things going too far when it comes to sexual attraction. Men in particular are aggressive and it leads to boundaries being pushed. A lot of the actions can be considered 'sin' and not necessarily a crime, but sexual assault is criminal.

In Franken's case, his target was an attractive model, Leeann Tweeden, who once posed for "Playboy." He wrote her into a comedy skit in which he made sure he got to kiss her. He insisted on a rehearsal. She said 'no' repeatedly, but Franken was adamant. He took advantage of her during the practice kiss and forced his tongue into her mouth against her will. Sexual harassment is not considered a crime, but sexual assault involves forceful physical contact.

Franken is guilty.

There's a bigger picture here. We are now subjected to an almost daily exposé parade of people who engaged in sexual harassment and assault. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, and Bill Clinton got away with their assaults for years.

It could be that this constant unmasking is a distraction from a bigger issue: Pedophile rings at the very top. "Eyes Wide Shut" kind of stuff. There are many monsters who run the world. One of them--the billionaire, Jeffery Epstein--was briefly jailed for recruiting underaged girls and Bill Clinton frequently visited Epstein's 'Orgy Island.' There are probably many more big names—including royalty—that are guilty of the same criminal behavior. Wikileaks revealed that the Podesta brothers were using coded language in communications. Words known to the FBI as code for pedophilia.

We're now in a post-sexual revolution era. Who knows—maybe we'll return to a Victorian-like time when men tipped their hats to a woman instead of making crude sexual advances. Maybe it's better if we don't know everyone's sordid sexual behavior. Straight, gay or trans-whatever, maybe it all needs to go back into the bedroom.

But first, the pedophile ring at the top must be exposed.

-Ben Garrison

Make Christmas Great Again!

Several folks have asked us about when we will re-stock Christmas cards. The answer is this week. Order now and we will send your 10-pack as soon as they arrive.

Psst...keep you eyes open for Black Friday special coming.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States