Saturday, December 30, 2017

Fwd: Happy New Year - Trump Year One

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Dec 30, 2017 12:55 PM
Subject: Happy New Year - Trump Year One
To: "William Cronister" <>

Happy New Year from GrrrGraphics

MAGA Charges to Work in 2018
President Trump accomplished a lot during his first year.

  1. Trump ended the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was a bad deal for American workers, because their jobs were being sent overseas.

  2. He refused to go along with the Paris 'climate change' accord, which punished America in particular. Climate change is science purchased by globalists, who want to use fear to gain further control of our economy. Trump broke their spell. He's for America first.

  3. Under Trump, we now have a conservative justice added to the Supreme Court, with more appointees to come. Additionally, unemployment has been lowered along with illegal immigration—unvetted or otherwise.

  4. Trump is the only president who has had the nerve to actually transfer the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

  5. Taxes have been lowered and the Obamacare mandate has been repealed. In fact, many of Obama's so-called 'accomplishments' have been negated, which is no doubt very irksome to the former president and chief narcissist.

  6. Trump is addressing North Korea head on. Previous presidents preferred to kick the can down the road when it came to North Korea, but Trump has signaled that he's had enough. The little round tyrant in North Korea thought he can threaten us with nuclear annihilation and launch missiles over Japan without consequence. After all, previous presidents were always played for saps. They gave the hermit nation concessions every time the dear leaders rattled their sabers. Bill Clinton, with the help of Jimmy Carter, gave the Stalinist country nuclear reactors and billions of dollars in aid. The dictator hugging Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize for his effort, while the North Koreans went ahead with their nuclear weapons program without skipping a beat.

  7. Regulations have been pared back and businesses are bringing jobs back to America.

Naturally, to those possessed with 'Trump Derangement Syndrome,' all of his accomplishments are the acme of evil. This is to be expected. The left's precious socialism and political correctness are finally getting the push back they've long deserved, thanks to President Trump.

There remains much work to be done.

Our infrastructure needs rebuilding. The wall needs to be built. The Deep State Swamp needs a lot more draining. Hillary still needs to be locked up. President Trump remains the best man for the job.

-Ben Garrison

After Christmas Special. Get 3 Holiday prints for the price of one.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Friday, December 22, 2017

12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, and in the White House
Trump's words were stirring; Obama felt like a mouse.

A populist president with a broom that swept clean,
Trump accomplished much in 2017.

Yet out past the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Pussy Hatters were yelling along with Black Lives Matter.

The Deep State pushed back—the Swamp became bitter,
They always get triggered when Trump is on Twitter.

Fake News Media compared Trump with Nixon,
"Impeach him!" said Maddow, Mika and Wolf Blitzen.

Rich kneelers were kneeling and sitting on hands,
Stadiums were emptied, they angered their fans.

Rocket Man's missiles were threatening Seoul,
Kim Jong-Un's stocking was soon stuffed with coal.

Respect, fame and fortune many women were hoping,
Instead they were molested--the gropers were groping!

Crooked Hillary lied about Trump's Russian collusion,
The evidence showed it was just an illusion.

The Ass Clowns were angry and showing no poise,
They were loud and obnoxious--empty barrels of noise.

Trump's eyes twinkled with MAGA delight. He yelled,

--Merry Christmas from Ben and Tina Garrison

Wishing you a joyous Christmas and Happy new year!

Original Artwork:

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Thursday, December 21, 2017

DOJ Fans the Flames on Hillary

Will Hill Finally Go Down in Flames?

DOJ Attorney General Sessions announced today that Hillary's Uranium One dealings are under review.

You might recall...

  1. Hillary sold 20% of American Uranium to a Russian state-owned energy company.
  2. People connected to the deal donated over $140 million bucks to the Clinton Foundation.
  3. Hubby Bill also received a hefty kickback from Putin in the form of an outrageous $500,000 speaking fee. All in an hour's work.

Here's a few more of the dozens of scandals that the slippery Clinton duo has skated out of...
  • Whitewater
  • Cheating Haiti out of billions in relief funds
  • Benghazi
  • 33,000 emails on a private server (oops!) that were deleted along with phones hammered to bits (after getting a subpoena)
  • Clinton Foundation Pay to Play
  • Plus, a lengthy list of dead folks who got Arkancided including Vince Foster

For decades, Hill and Bill have been embroiled in dubious scandals. But protection from the Fake News Industrial Complex and powerful friends in the Deep State have covered their tracks each step of the way.

No doubt, Hillary has broke the law repeatedly. Any other person who did a fraction of her crimes would be in prison attire for years.

Lock her up already!

-Ben Garrison

For those of you wondering about the next cartoon. I am currently working on the 12 Days of Christmas, 2017 version. Should be out this week.

Thanks to our friends and fans around the world who bought up the MAGA Christmas cards. If you need a calendar, hurry while we still have a few in stock.
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Santa Mueller

Mueller Claus is Coming to Town

"Hillary Said You Were Naughty, Not Nice"
In keeping with the holiday season, I drew a variation of an enduring symbol—Santa Claus.

Like jolly old St. Nick, Mueller and his investigation into non-existent Trump wrongdoings never seems to go away. Hillary and Obama seem keen on giving us gifts of false realities. We are witnessing the continued political weaponization of the FBI.

Mueller, approved by the Deep Staters Bush and Obama, has already done a lot to weaken our country.

Along with FBI head John Brennan, Mueller was ordered to stop equating Islamic terrorists with Islam itself, thus weakening the FBI's ability to target terrorism. Political correctness was paramount under Obama and reality was damned.

Now Mueller is back as a special prosecutor looking at the presidential election supposedly getting 'hacked' by Russia, which is a lie used by Hillary to excuse her monumental loss. Mueller's assignment from Hillary and the Deep State Swamp? Dig up as much dirt as possible on Trump in order to get him impeached.

James Comey had earlier helped the Clintons escape a noose from their Whitewater scandal. He was rewarded with a cushy job with Lockheed Martin that paid him many millions of dollars. As the FBI director under Obama, he again saved the Clintons when he refused to recommend Hillary for prosecution. He overlooked her obvious obstruction of justice when she destroyed cell phones and bleach-bit her server. He said there was no 'intent.' It was not his call.

Then there is the improbably named Peter Strzok. (pronounced stroke?) He was fired from Mueller's investigation due to his stridently anti-Trump text messages to his mistress.

Do these FBI men not know they leave digital footprints or are they that contemptuous of their own process? Regardless, his behavior is again indicative of the growing bias and partisanship in the FBI. They're going after Trump without one iota of evidence while they've done their best to exonerate Hillary--despite her spate of criminal acts that would send lesser mortals to prison.

FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe enabled Strzok's behavior. He will answer to a congressional committee next week. Maybe he'll explain the FBI's 'anti-Trump insurance policy' that was discussed recklessly by Strzok.

Mueller's partisan anti-Trump fishing expedition could easily drag on for another Christmas and as usual, the taxpayers are on the hook. Meanwhile, the biggest criminal fish, Hillary, never seems to be put on ice.

Instead of investigating Trump, let's investigate the corruption of the FBI itself.

--Ben Garrison
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Ugly Sweater Day

The 2017 Gift Guide

Featuring the Ugly "Grabby Hands" Christmas Sweater
Today is National Ugly Sweater Day, a day tailor made for Disgraced Senator Al Franken and his own ugly grabby hands sweater.

Will Santa give us Franken's resignation date for Christmas? Probably not.

UPDATE: Final results for the "Hillary's Lost Shoe" contest are in!
The correct answer was 21!

We had six correct guesses! The winners were contacted and sent a free signed Ben Garrison print! Thank you to every one who entered, we had a lot of fun with this and hope to similar contests in the future..... in fact....

Do you consider yourself a Ben Garrison Cartoon expert? Are you a Hard core Cartoon Super fan? Then keep your eye out for the Hard Core Hillary shoe contest coming next week with even bigger prizes!

A very Merry Christmas to all and a MAGA New Year!

--Ben and Tina Garrison

PS. Last minute Christmas items here...
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Fake News

Fake News Chasing Tall Tales

The establishment or 'legacy' media are going to the dogs. Lately we've seen even more of their breathless 'blockbuster' news events blowing up in their faces, but it doesn't seem to deter them from continuing to release fake news. Despite their history and money, the big dog 'mainstream' media are losing readers, viewers, trust, professionalism and credibility. Their historical dominance is rapidly ending thanks to truth tellers who can be found on the Internet.

The lefty media have been relentless in their biased attacks on President Trump. They were shocked by his election because they had grown used to brainwashing the masses. Hillary promptly blamed the Russians for Trump's victory and claimed 'collusion.'

The rabid lefty media have been determined to prove the alleged 'conspiracy' ever since, but all they've come up with is empty bombast. They're like a dog who chases its own tail but can never catch it…because the Russian collusion story is not factual.

The Fake News liars have had success against Judge Roy Moore, however. The yearbook story was proven to be a forgery—and sourced to a big media arm. Moore was relentlessly and unfairly impugned as a 'pedophile,' by the leftist media. Such repeated lies contributed to his loss and I hope he contests the results, because it was very close.

I recommend "The True Story of Fake News," by Mark Dice. It offers an excellent explanation and summation of fake news occurring in the legacy media as well as social media.

-Ben Garrison

(comes with color print)

Christmas Goodies for Patriots
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States