Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fwd: The Jeff Sessions Inaction Figure

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Feb 28, 2018 4:22 PM
Subject: The Jeff Sessions Inaction Figure
To: "William Cronister" <>

When will our Attorney General spring into action? When will Hillary be locked up? When will the Obama Spy ring be rounded up?

Someone please, please get Jeff Sessions an alarm clock!  His inaction is frustrating justice and also exhausting any remaining patience of patriots!

Note: This cartoon was a commission for Stefan Molyneux.  You might check out his videos and website.

-Ben Garrison

PS. We won't be silenced by Orwellian Social Media.

Until March 1 at midnight, new Patreon members get a free signed "Drain the Swamp" print.

Join the fight at
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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