Friday, February 9, 2018

Fwd: Hillary's Something Burger - Russia Uranium One Pay to Play

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <>
Date: Feb 9, 2018 12:48 PM
Subject: Hillary's Something Burger - Russia Uranium One Pay to Play
To: "William Cronister" <>

Hillary's Something Burger

Hillary colluding with Russia?
Uranium Deal with Putin.
Pay to Play.
Money laundering through Clinton Foundation.
187. Arkancide.

Yes, and a whole lot more....

According to Fox News, "An FBI informant involved in the controversial Uranium One deal has told congressional committees that Moscow paid millions to a U.S. lobbying firm in a bid to influence then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by helping former President Bill Clinton's charities during the Obama administration."

Hillary once proclaimed that her email scandal was "a big nothing burger." If that were the case she wouldn't have destroyed cell phones with a hammer. She wouldn't have lied about the amount of classified material in her email. She wouldn't have used a program called 'Bleach Bit' on her illegal server—a serve that had no safeguards and could be readily hacked by anyone. As it turned out, Seth Rich leaked info to WikiLeaks and he was murdered as a result.

Hillary and her ilk expected victory. Once Mrs. Clinton was president, all of her scandals would be easier to cover up.

Fear of prison is why Hillary and Podesta drummed up the Russia story. They want to distract attention away from their scandals.

It's finally coming out that
If anyone was involved in a scandal involving Russia it was Bill and Hillary. Their Clinton Foundation benefited from Russian donations. In return, the Russians received a good chunk of America's uranium.

This 'pay for play' graft is routine with the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation is completely corrupt and it should be investigated.

Let the indictments for Hilldebeast and company begin.
Lock Hillary and her corrupt cronies up!

—Ben Garrison

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

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