Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fwd: Obama, Treason Snake

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 29, 2018 3:53 PM
Subject: Obama, Treason Snake
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

Obama, Treason Snake

Obama likes to tout that his administration was mostly 'scandal free.' That's another lie from His Fraudship. Barack is desperate to protect his legacy while President Trump has been dismantling it.

Now we are seeing clearly what our first black, marxist president has been up to: Treason.

Obama, a creation of the Deep State, colluded at the highest levels. He helped to organize a coup d'état to ensure crooked Hillary was elected. She was going to complete the destruction of our Republic that Obama had started—all in order to usher in their tyrannical, globalist vision. Thankfully, Trump was elected and prevented that catastrophe.

I've listed many of the foul deeds and scandals perpetrated by Obama, whose real daddy was Frank Marshall Davis, a famous communist in Hawaii. Not convinced? Take a look at this InfoWars video:

He even sounds like Davis, who also Barak's 'mentor.' Obama's grandfather was a CIA operative. The CIA helped Obama to slither into power. It's no wonder Obama helped to further weaponize and politicize the security agencies to return the favor. The Deep State consolidated their power under his presidency. Along with the fake news media, they all tried to rig the election in favor of Hillary. They failed and now they're doing their best to impeach Trump. They must not succeed.

I recommend "The Worst President in History, The Legacy of Barack Obama." Written by Matt Margolis & Mark Noonan. The book lists 200 reasons why Barack was an incompetent, traitorous liar bent on destroying our country in order to usher in a globalist, socialist system. His attitude toward America is symbolized by his dirty shoes put up on the Oval Office desk.

Do a search, "Obama with feet on desk" to see what I mean. Muslims consider shoes put in the face of another to be an insult. Obama is an insult to America.

--Ben Garrison

Original Art: https://grrrgraphics.com/shop/obama-treason-snake-original/

Print: https://grrrgraphics.com/shop/obama-treason-snake-print/

For patriots who have had their fill of political correctness, here's the link to the membership area. http://grrrgraphics.com/fight-tyranny

MAGA in 2018!
Support Politically Incorrect Cartoons at Patreon


GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Fwd: Obama Lies and Unicorns

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 28, 2018 2:42 PM
Subject: Obama Lies and Unicorns
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

Clint Eastwood said one day we will realize that "President Obama was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

Lies, lies, lies, cover ups and more lies!  How about the famous "you can keep your health plan and doctor while saving $2500" whopper. Nope. 4 Pinochios.

Other prancing unicorns from Hussein that he spun into wonderful gifts to humanity:

  1. Pallets of cash (our tax dollars) delivered in secret by cargo plane to the terror leader of the world, Iran.

  2. Bombed countries during his presidency with impunity while leaving ISIS caliphate terrorizing 7 million people intact.

  3. Inflamed race relations and cop hatred at every opportunity, remember his famous "Cambridge police acted stupidly" quote.

  4. DOJ under Obama was so crooked that "Fast and Furious" mastermind and Attorney General, Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress.

  5. Oversaw economy sucking wind for 8 years even with billions upon billions of government largess poured into propping it up.

The Stock market has broken 83 records and is up over 7000 points since Trump's election. Everyday more Companies are giving bonus checks left and right, the latest is FedEx.  The package delivery company follows others doing the same, including Home Depot, Disney, Starbucks, and Walmart.

And black unemployment is lowest on record. Someone needs to tell Jay-Z in case he does not see Trump's tweet.
In fact, unemployment rate for all minorities has decreased substantially since Trump took office.

And of course, Obama blamed the stagnate economic growth during his presidency on Bush's policies and now is trying to take credit for the booming Trump economy. More prancing unicorns!

PS. New 'toon tomorrow highlighting Scandal Free Hussein Presidency!

-Grrr Team

For patriots who have had their fill of political correctness, here's the link to the membership area. http://grrrgraphics.com/fight-tyranny

MAGA in 2018!
Support Politically Incorrect Cartoons at Patreon

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fwd: [NEW] The Interview

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 25, 2018 1:38 PM
Subject: [NEW] The Interview
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

On Wednesday from Switzerland, President Donald Trump told reporters that he was "looking forward" to speaking with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, that he "would love to do it," and that "I would do it under oath"

It is unlikely that Trump will speak with Robert Mueller as there is no charge against Trump and no grand jury subpoena that would require the president to testify.

What we have here is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.

If Trump says "Good Morning" and the clock hits 12:01 pm, Mueller and his biased band of Democract flunkies will rush to charge him with lying under oath.

There is no way Trump's Lawyers will risk his Presidency so it is unlikely Trump will testify.

Trump is using his brand of bluster to show his supporters and the American people he has nothing to hide... the same can not be said about Hillary Clinton.

-Grrr Team

Original Art https://grrrgraphics.com/shop/interview-original/

Signed Cartoon Printhttps://grrrgraphics.com/shop/the-interview-print/

MAGA in 2018!
Support Politically Incorrect Cartoons at Patreon

GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fwd: Trump's MAGA Magic

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 23, 2018 5:09 PM
Subject: Trump's MAGA Magic
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

Trump's MAGA Magic

I'm a little late with this cartoon, which symbolizes Trump's first year as president. It was a very successful year.

Trump has brought jobs back to America. He appointed a conservative Supreme Court justice. He has turned away from bad trade deals and enforced of our borders while standing against illegal immigration. His tax-reducing bill is turning the economy around. He stopped taxpayer money from going toward the climate change bunk. He cut many of the ridiculous regulations that were hurting businesses. Most of all, Trump is systematically removing Obama's legacy, which was the intentional destruction of America. Why was the criminal Obama bent on bringing down
America? Why, to usher in communism and tyranny, of course.

One of our supporters in Florida suggested this idea. It's based on something Obama said early in 2016. He contemptuously dismissed Trump's plans and his ability to affect change. Challenging Trump outright, he asked "What magic wand do you have?" Hence my cartoon. Now Obama, always the narcissist, is audaciously claiming credit for the economic turnaround.

Trump still has a lot of work to do. Now we're seeing just how corrupt and politicized the CIA, NSA and FBI have become.

Obama did his best to destroy our nation and weaponize the security agencies in order to keep people such as Trump out of office. Obama, Hillary and many others need to be brought to justice.

Let's hope our president can continue to work his MAGA magic.

--Ben Garrison
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Fwd: The Schiff Hits the Fan

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 20, 2018 2:46 PM
Subject: The Schiff Hits the Fan
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

The Schiff Is About to Hit the Fan

The FISA abuse memo is dynamite. It can and should blow up in the collective face of the Deep State.

Those crooks have for too long considered themselves above the law, perhaps because they've grown complacent and too used to always getting away with their crimes. Hillary Clinton is a prime example.

So is the narcissist Barack Obama, a CIA creation who has abused the FISA warrant process. Essentially, he committed a felony by using a fake, paid-for fabricated anti-Trump dossier as the basis to illegally spy on private citizens.

He did this to not only protect his Deep State masters, but also to help cement his legacy from being dismantled. The FBI became politicized at the top and they also did their best to make sure their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, was elected.

The Deep State operatives are no longer completely in control after the election of Donald Trump, which is one of the reasons they're so frantic about getting him removed. They know they have broken the law and have attempted a coup agains our Republic. They are traitors who belong in prison. They fabricated the Russian collusion narrative, but that is a proven lie.

The FISA memo proves the politicization of spy agencies as well as the criminal deeds carried out by those who held high office. It's high treason. These traitors will soon be hitting the fan of justice and it could get very messy—not only for criminals such as Obama, Hillary and Comey, but also for those who are still in Congress and doing the bidding of the Deep State crooks.

Adam Schiff was eager to leak private testimony about Donald Trump Jr., hoping to further the Russian Collusion narrative that has now been exposed as fiction created by Podesta and Hillary to take back power. Schiff is not so eager to leak the FISA memo, which proves the criminal misdeeds carried out by those using the Russia collusion lie to topple our lawfully-elected president. Donald Trump Jr. himself pointed this out and tweeted #FullOfSchiff. That was the inspiration behind this cartoon.

Schiff is in the center of the corruption and is trying to prevent Chairman Nunes from releasing the FISA abuse memo. If the memo is released, it will mark the end of the Mueller witch hunt (which has cost the taxpayers countless millions of dollars) as well as Schiff himself. After all, he's part of the criminal conspiracy that has broken the law in order to further the Deep State. Lock him up. Lock them ALL up!

It's time to release the memo to the public and start the blades of justice spinning—on high.

—Ben Garrison
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Fwd: Big Bird Brother

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From: "Ben Garrison [Grrr Graphics]" <info@grrrgraphics.com>
Date: Jan 16, 2018 4:14 PM
Subject: Big Bird Brother
To: "William Cronister" <Williamcronister@gmail.com>

Big Bird Brother

Project Veritas Founder James O'Keefe recently exposed the dark side of Twitter.

Not only is the online messaging service harvesting personal information from its users, it's also tracking private messages and selling all information to advertisers and the Deep State. In other words, personal information that users would most likely want to keep private can be sold to all comers. It can also easily fall into the wrong hands. O'Keefe's undercover videos revealed the contempt Twitter engineers had for the public. Sexual messages and photos are all saved to servers and one engineer hinted that the compromising information could later be used for blackmail. Charming.

We know that Silicon Valley and most social media programs such as Twitter and Facebook already have an anti-Trump, anti-conservative bias. We now know that 'shadow banning' is more widespread than thought. Users work hard to grow a large audience only to find out that only a small percentage of those people are reached due to shadow banning. People may think nobody is responding to their content and messages when in reality hardly anyone is seeing it. In many cases, the accounts of conservative or pro-Trump users are banned outright.

Many government agencies such as the FBI and CIA have become politicized, thanks to Obama. The universities have long had a leftist, socialist bent. Corporate media are nearly all left leaning.

The media in particular have dropped any pretense of fairness and trumpet partisan, Democratic Party viewpoints. Now the evidence also shows that social media companies are progressives as well—and they have no problem acting on their bias against conservatives.

Former Google boss Eric Schmidt not only supported Hillary, but he made sure the most popular search engine favored her and downplayed Trump. Facebook also uses shadow banning and discourages conservative voices and, of course, all public and private content posted by users gets stored permanently for later use by 'security' agencies.

Big Brother is definitely watching us, and he's flipping us the bird.

--Ben Garrison

Make it MAGA in 2018! Support Politically Incorrect Cartoons at Patreon
GrrrGraphics , Home of Ben Garrison Cartoons, Lakeside, Montana 59922, United States